Use wood as material for teaching, creation, sharing and experience design
Explore the diversity of wood art and create unique memories with wood.
We educate with wood -
Woodworking workshop
We flow with wood -
Event and Tailor made workshop.
Teach him wood. Wood has been inseparable from human society in life, architecture and art since ancient times. The texture of trees is proof of the passage of time. Wood art is the crystallization of human skills and has become a bridge for people to understand nature.
The rapid development of cities makes people breathless. By sharing wood art, we enter into an immersive experience together, feel the reality of making objects by hand, and give each object your own story.
We recycle and revive local wood resources -
Recycling and social innovation
Slöjd by Wood Living Co.
The trees that have accompanied Hong Kong's development have taken root for decades. What will be the fate of the tree after it falls? The second chapter explores social needs and uses wood art to make full use of local tree resources to respond to social issues and extend the life of trees.
-Trees coexist quietly with all things in a different form.